a goodnight from Jessalyn:

i love bob, but there are two of you right now.

dave decrees it:

josh will create the hover boards.

bloody brilliant.

"i forgot, you're all on ecstacy"


it's 8 a.m. and i've just ingested a new drug. we shall see what this brings.

i swear i've posted this before.

katie is a focused_villian.

don't worry.

She knows what she can handle. And even if she doesnt i know exactly what to do in those situations.

john stewart

i had a dream last night that i was dating john stewart. i wish i knew him so i could tell him about it. but we were in highschool, and he looked exactly like he does right now.
It's not about the caring it's about the sharing...
I'll be famous someday... And i'm bringing you all with me.
female magazines located at the heartland oil shindig (yes i just wanted to use the word) include : martha stewart living. that is all.
I'm supposed to be going to sleep as the sun comes up, not waking up with it.

What the fuck is this bullshit?
i am so excellent right now. when i sit here and think of you i get happy inside and a stupid smile on my face. so yeeah, i@ adore you.