
God called in sick today, how convenient for the apocalypse.


They bring misery in the form of taxation, starvation, and lack of education.
It is time for revolution; it is time to fight.

'despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage'

My dreams always end up being figments of reality.
I thought I was awake and just crazy hallucinating, it was all very real-like except my stove was in the wrong place and of course seeing my dead cat and other people that just weren't there.
Hmm, cherry coke sounds good..


Is the world as we leave it better for our kindred or better for our greed?


I think I found Jesus on a harlequin. I think I've seen God in a porno video.
Heaven is not a place, but it's the way I feel.

The hard stoner truth

...We need to get a Roger.

3002- Notes to Live By...

A voice said, look…
At me in the stars
Tell me honestly, men of earth
If all the soul and body scars
Are too much for birth

To all I’ve come across
Bless you my sons
For I have never come upon
A blessed one

Know all your commandments
Keep the past in your pocket
Put all your secrets in a box
Slam the door and lock it

3001- A note to Live By...

Keep good care of your feet, and don't do anything stupid!


You're miles and miles and miles away, but you really make me feel like shit. I just wanted you to be aware. If you know who you are, please correct the situation.


note to self: i dont want to fall in love. it's never worth it.

i wrote this in 2004, no clue who it's about. sad.

You say i'm your everything,
and i wish i could say the same.
But truth be told, you're my only thing.
I only love you,
because you love me.